$sql="SELECT t.tid, MAX(n.created) as timestamp
FROM {node} n
LEFT JOIN {term_node} t on n.nid=t.nid
LEFT JOIN {term_data} d on t.tid=d.tid
WHERE n.status = 1 AND d.vid=9 GROUP BY t.tid ORDER BY timestamp DESC
LIMIT 0,100";
while($object=db_fetch_object($result)) {
if($nid=db_result(db_query("SELECT n.nid FROM {node} n LEFT JOIN {term_node} t on n.nid=t.nid
WHERE n.created=%d AND t.tid=%d", $object->timestamp, $object->tid))) {
$cols[$c] .=node_view($node,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE);
#$cols[$c] .=node_view($node,TRUE);
if(arg(2)==’feed’) die(crossnuke_feed($nodes));
#$content .=’
‘.”\n”; $content .=$cols[0].”\n”; #$content .=’ |
‘.”\n”; #$content .=$cols[1].”\n”; #$content .=’ |
$content .= l(‘Tovább a Hangtárba’,’hangtar’);
echo $content ;