My Dear Friend,

I would like to inform you about the latest developments of setting up Radio Zs, the first Hungarian language Jewish radio station. Our current transmission is a pilot model, put together mainly by me in order to demonstrate in practice that it is possible to establish a Hungarian Jewish Radio for the very first time.

My Dear Friend,

I would like to inform you about the latest developments of setting up Radio Zs, the first Hungarian language Jewish radio station. Our current transmission is a pilot model, put together mainly by me in order to demonstrate in practice that it is possible to establish a Hungarian Jewish Radio for the very first time.

Naturally, the current timetable of transmission and broadcasted music serve just as sample, to whet your appetite. The first experimental phase of the project will be completed by the end of December.
It was very satisfactory to see such enthusiastic responses aroused by our pilot transmission. Now we are working hard with a quickly expanding staff on the launch of the second phase of the project.

The timetable of broadcasting in January has been outlined and hereby I would like to offer you a short summary of our planned projects:

1. Each institute and organization was addressed and called to produce a broadcast of its own in the framework of Radio Zs (such as Foundation School, BZSH, Bálint Ház, Chabad, Esztertáska, Habonim Dror, Hasomer Hacair, Haver, Joint, Kidma, Lauder School Marom, Mazsihisz, Mensch, Micve Klub, Múlt és Jövő, Oneg Sabbat, Pesti Súl, Scheiber School, Spinoza Ház, Summer Camp of Szarvas, Szim Salom, Szombat, Sófár, UJS, Judaism University, etc)

2. Our cultural section is preparing a great number of broadcasts for production (for instance: the History of Jews in Hungary, Yiddish culture, Culture in Israel, Daily Current Affairs, Voice of Grandchildren, Cousine, Portrait Series, A Bouquet Daily, Literary Café, Pearls of Storytelling, Religious Kaleidoscope, Yiddishe Mame Club, Weekly Cultural Magazine, Music, Jewish Humour, Judaism for Everyone, Remembrance of the Soa, History of Israel, On-air Dateline, etc.)

3. A staff of newsreel cooperates closely with our correspondents in Israel for balanced broadcast ( e.g. News, Rewieving the Press daily, World News, with weekly reportage from the US, daily News from Israel, Our Correspondent Reporting from Jerusalem weekly.)

4. A staff of music editors collects and introduces to the listeners all the spectrum of Jewish music from folk to latest hits from Israel.

5. We are to organize soon an Archive of Sounds consisting of hundreds of hours of recorded materials.

6. We are continuing our ongoing efforts to summon financial and moral support that would be necessary to implement our project, to set up a studio of our own and to launch ground based transmission.

I would like to emphasize that our project is open and welcomes initiations, we still need enthusiasts and count on you too, whether your conribution is good ideas, participation, archive recordings or financial support.

12 December, 2003 Budapest
With regards,
Seres Attila
President of Hungarian Shofar Association


Sófár Média